.354 | to Brian McBride, from Matt Singley

Dear Brian,

I think this is Year 8 AB (After Brian) at Solana Pacific. I just wanted to reach out to thank you for all that you did for all of us at our school.  It was no small feat to be universally loved by all the students, teachers, and parents!  I remember whenever I had a question to ask you, I’d literally have to get in a line of 2-3 teachers waiting at your office door to talk to you.  We all could’ve just emailed our questions to you (as I do now, with current administration).  But for me (and I’m sure the others), asking the question or getting the answer wasn’t necessarily the primary purpose of our visits.  Talking with you always felt just so good; your immense knowledge and wisdom bestowed a certain kind of comfort for sure, but I always walked away from conversations with you simply feeling better about myself. Kind of like the basketball coach Phil Jackson, you had a definite Zen mystique that brought out the championship potential out of everyone!

I still appreciate tremendously that you very much shielded our staff from the brunt of many of the mandates that came down from the district office.  And I very much remember having your full support to be able to teach in the manner I felt was best for the students.  And I’m so thankful you moved me from third to fifth!  Clearly, I didn’t want to make that move initially.  But it only took one week for me to realize how much more I liked the older kids.  And now being at Solana Pacific for going on 17 years (I think), I can’t imagine things playing out in any other way.  All because of you!

I can’t imagine being a principal; you’re in everyone’s crosshairs (the teachers, the district, and the parents).  The fact that you pulled it off so magnificently, for so long, is a real testament to you as an educator, leader, and person!

Even though you’ve been gone for over a half-dozen years, your name still comes up weekly at Solana Pacific.  Heck, your picture is still up in the work room!  Please continue to stop by school.  As always, it’s such a TREAT to see you!

All my best, 

Matt Singley