.346 | to Little Peanut, from Dad

You're going to be here so soon....like really, really soon. Like not enough time to wrap my mind around it soon. Like holy cow how did I get to lucky soon. Like will you love your mama and I as much as we are already loving you soon.

I cannot wait to teach you how to tie your shoes. I cannot wait to wipe away your tears and kiss your boo boos. I cannot wait for you to be so embarrassed by me that you don't even know what to say. I cannot wait to see the world through your eyes in a whole new way.

I want you to know that even though I will mess this up somehow, I will always give you my best. I will be honest even when it's hard. I will be patient even when frustration is high. I will show you all the awesome, amazing cool things in this world even though it's scary as hell. I will hold your hand until you are too cool for that kind of thing.

And I will always be grateful to be your Dad. Love you Peanut.