.344 | to TJ, from Floyd

When I first reached out to you, I didn’t know what I needed. I just knew I needed something new.

I was going through a rather rough time period in my life and I was looking to speak to anyone who would listen, anyone who could be somewhat of an anchor in the midst of the storm that I was facing. You turned out to be that anchor, but so much more. You became a mentor, a teacher, a leader, a guide, and a friend. Not only were you someone who could hold me down, but you were someone who taught me how to set MYSELF free.

I thought what I needed was someone to give me the “keys to life”, but what I learned from you is that the keys already reside in me. You taught me that while trauma can sometimes force me to unlearn what I know, truth will always rise to the surface, truth will always prevail, and truth always resides inside of me.

I say this to you often, but I am deeply grateful for you TJ. I am grateful that you wake up and walk in and live out your purpose every single day. I am grateful for your patience and your kindness. I am grateful for the way you display your love to your wife and children. I am grateful that you are such a great example of what I strive to be.

It is said that you can’t be what you can’t see - since meeting you, I have been reminded that there is no limit to what I can achieve. I see it now :) Thank you.